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Brown Wood


Learn how to get involved

This is the first part of the tool kit, and is basically where we give you some advice on how to effectively monitor, manage and mentor your kid’s online experiences, whether they are using an app or actually on the Internet.

The Advice Page: Get Involved


  • By checking in with them, talking to them, and getting them to show you. 


  • Set aside 15 minutes once a week, sit down with your child and go through their internet history, talk about their experiences


  • Take a look through their apps and see what they spend all their time on.


  • Also a great time to look at Google Classroom if it’s relevant.


  • Check through the apps they have on their device.

  • Find out if the apps are part of an online based game or larger website or is identified as social media. 


The Advice Page: About Us


  • Again, sit with them and talk to them about reasonable time limits for daily screen time. 


  • Introduce a rewards system, if they do household chores, they can get paid in screen time - Remember, going from unlimited to limited is going to be hard for most children so a bit of incentive never hurts.


  • Use the timer on the device to manage the limits you have put in place. **


  • Regularly check that the software, filters and hardware restrictions you have put into place, are still there and are up to date


  • Regularly re-evaluate based on age and maturity the software and restrictions you have put into place.


The Advice Page: About Us


  • Use the Internet Usage Agreement to keep them safe online while they do it. 


  • Teach them to be courteous and kind in all their online interactions 


  • Reminding them it is an incredible resource for all of us to use to get to know our wider world around us. 


  • Put together virtual trips that explore visually or statistically from the highest points of the globe, to the deepest parts of the oceans. 


  • Show them how to use apps to keep in touch with your friends next door, or family you know on the other side of the world. 


  • Show them how to learn something new and interesting everyday


  • Teach them how to use this resource to learn different and better ways of doing things

The Advice Page: About Us
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